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Azure Blob Storage

The Azure Blob Storage provider for Data Sync supports read-write operations against an Azure Blob Storage container.

Since Azure Blob Storage stores binary objects you need to connect this provider with a Data Sync provider that supports binary blob or file data.

The following Data Sync providers can be connected to the Azure Blob Storage provider.

  • FileSystem Provider
  • SharePoint Document Library
  • SQL Server Table with Blob Column configuration.
  • Amazon S3


To connect to Azure Blob Storage start by opening the connection window, expand the Azure folder and select Windows Azure Blob Storage.

Then enter in your AccessKey, AccountName and ContainerName to connect to the Blob Storage.

Connect to Azure Blob Storage


AccessKeyThe Access key to connect to the Azure Storage Account.
AccountNameThe Account Name of the Storage Account.
ContainerNameThe Container name in the Storage account, if the container does not exist a container of this name will be created.
WebFriendlyPathsEnsures that file paths are returned with forward slashes (/).

Data Schema

Below is the Data Schema that Data Sync returns for the Amazon S3 provider. The actual file data is not part of the schema and is read from Amazon S3 when required during the Synchronisation operation.

FullFileNameStringThe full relative path to the item including filename.
PathStringThe full relative path to the item.
FileNameStringThe filename of the item.
ContentTypeStringThe blob content type.
DateCreatedDateTimeDate Created
DateModifiedDateTimeDate Modified
LengthInt64The Length/Size of the file in bytes.
ContentMD5StringThe MD5 checksum of the file.