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Proxy Server

If your network has a proxy server you may need to configure Data Sync and Ouvvi to use your Proxy Server.

The .NET framework provides for a Proxy server configuration as part of the application configuration see

You will need to apply the configuration to:

  • The .config files in your Data Sync Install Directory C:\Program Files\Simego\Data Synchronisation Studio 3.0
  • The Ouvvi Service .config file C:\Program Files\Simego\Ouvvi\Service\Simego.Console.Service.exe.config
  • The Ouvvi Web .config file C:\Program Files\Simego\Ouvvi\Web\web.config

Below you can find an example server settings specifying a Proxy Server Address and to use the current user credentials:

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
<proxy uesystemdefault="True" proxyaddress="http://my-proxy-name:80" bypassonlocal="True" />

When you upgrade your installation these setting files will be overwritten by the installer since they are part of the install you should make a note of the procedure to update these for future reference.