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Installing Ouvvi

When installing Ouvvi you need to consider how you would like to use it and where your resources are located.

  • Do you plan to have everything installed on the same machine? Exposed to the internet and accessible from outside of the network?
  • What sort of authentication do you want to use: Windows, Forms or Azure AD?

There are many different options when installing Ouvvi depending on your environment and requirements.

Single Machine Deployment

The configuration we would say is the most common and easiest option is to install everything on the same machine or server.

This means that the Web Front, the Database and the Agent are all installed in the same place.

Usually with this setup users are using remote desktop to log in and work on their projects.

Single Machine, Separate Database Deployment

The next option would be that the Web front and the Agent are installed on the same machine, but the Database is on a separate machine as the SQL server exists elsewhere.

Users are still using remote desktop to sign in to work on their projects.

Cloud Typical Deployment

The advanced option is to expose Ouvvi to the internet so that users can log in from wherever they are to work on their projects.

This will use Forms Authentication. We would recommend using Azure AD Authentication but you could use internal (custom) accounts. This option involves installing an SSL certificate and we recommend using IP Filters to restrict access as required.

You need to consider where your resources are located, is everything being used cloud based or are some items stored locally on-premise? This will determine where your agents are installed and how many you need.

Authentication Types

We have two types of authentication available Windows and Forms:

  • Windows Authentication : Allows you to use machine or domain accounts to sign into Ouvvi for example DOMAIN\MyUser.
  • Forms Authentication : Allows you to use Windows, Azure AD or custom user accounts.

You can read more about the different authentication options and how to configure them on the next page.