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Moving the Ouvvi Database and Keeping the Ouvvi Tenant where it is

The following page will describe how to move the Ouvvi database location to another machine or server, but keep the Ouvvi site and tenant folders where they are.


Before getting started ensure that the Ouvvi Service is stopped and that the Ouvvi IIS AppPool Identity will have permission on your new target database if you are using integrated security.

Move the Database

To move the Database to the new server you can use SQL Backup to take a copy of it as it currently is. Then on the new server use SQL Restore, to copy the backup and move the database to your new Server.

Configure Ouvvi

You then need to edit your Ouvvi configuration to point to the new database.


Make sure to stop your Ouvvi services.

There are two options, the best one for you will depend on the configuration of your Ouvvi system and the changes you've made:

1) If you haven't made any manual changes (including the service principal) to your Ouvvi install then you can simply uninstall the tenant from the Deployment Manager, make the changes on the database tab to update the Database settings, and then re-install the tenant.

2) If you have been making manual changes then you will need to update the Web.Config file for your Tenant Web site. You can find the web config file under the path C:\OuvviTenants\[TenantName]\Web\Web.config by default. In this file you will need to change the SQL Connection string to point to your new Database Server. Make sure to save the changes

Please note that if you selected the checkbox Encrypt Web.Config on the Website tab when creating your Ouvvi tenant the Web config file will be encrypted and cannot be edited this way.

Restart Services

Once you have finished changing the connection to the Ouvvi database you should browse to your Ouvvi site to ensure there are no issues.

If the website loads without an issue then you can re-start your Ouvvi service and your projects should begin running again as normal.

Encryption Migration

If you have encryption applied to your environment remember to install the encryption key in Data Sync and Ouvvi. You also need to ensure that the permissions for the private key of the certificate are for the local machine and that the Ouvvi app pool user and any users running Data Sync and Ouvvi have permissions on that certificate.

You can read more on reinstalling the encryption key on the migration overview page