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Calculates the addition of an amount of time to a DateTime, this will return the DateTime after the specified amount has been added to it. Can be used to subtract an amount of time to a DateTime.


DateTime? DATEADD(string part, int num, DateTime? date)


ObjectData TypeDescription
partStringA string to represent the time unit
  • year
  • month
  • day
  • hour
  • minute
  • second
numIntegerAn integer representing the amount of time to add.
dateDateTimeA DateTime value.


In this example we will imagine that we want to calculate the expiry date of trial keys which will expire 15 days after the start date, we have a StartDate column for each record available within our dataset.

DATEADD("day", 15, StartDate)

If StartDate = 15/09/2017 then the above expression will return '30/09/2017'.

You could also calculate this using Today's date with the TODAY() function, if you only had new items/sign ups returned in the list:

DATEADD("day", 15, TODAY())

This would add 15 days onto the current date.

To subtract an amount of time:

Imagine that we want to return everything that was created/modified 7 days before today.

DATEADD("day",-7, TODAY())

When you run the above example it will return a DateTime seven days prior to today. We can then use this date with a LookUp on a CreatedDate or ModifiedDate to return all records that were created/modified on that date.

To return yesterday you can use:

DATEADD("day",-1, TODAY())

Return Yesterday

This will return today's date minus one day (yesterday).

Another example of how this could be used is to calculate the shipping date of an order from an Order table. Where the order date is a column called OrderDate.

DATEADD("day", 3, OrderDate)

The examples above all show the date being incremented by a day but you can increment in months, years , hours, minutes or seconds too. You just need to specify what to increment by in the string part of the function. For example to increment today's date by 5 years you can use:

DATEADD("year", 5, TODAY())