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The LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function is similar to the LOOKUPB function, with the key difference being that it works incrementally. This means that the function caches the result of each lookup so that the same value is not looked up multiple times, which can improve performance when dealing with large data sets.

The LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function takes the same parameters as the LOOKUPB function: columnName, which is the name of the column to retrieve from the target, from, which specifies the data source to retrieve the data from, and keyValues, which is a key/value object used to specify the conditions for retrieving data from the data source.


object LOOKUPBINCREMENATL(string columnName, string from, params KVAL[] keyValues)
object LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL(string columnName, LFROM from, params KVAL[] keyValues)


Looking up a Company Name Incrementally

Suppose you want to retrieve the CompanyName from your data target incrementally based on a SupplierID. You can use the LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function to accomplish this as shown below:

LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL("CompanyName", "Suppliers", KV("SupplierID", SupplierID))

In this example, the LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function is used to retrieve the CompanyName from the Suppliers data source based on a SupplierID value. The function caches the result of each lookup so that the same value is not looked up multiple times, which can improve performance when dealing with large data sets.

Looking up a Contact Name Incrementally

Suppose you want to retrieve the ContactName from your target data source incrementally based on a CustomerID. You can use the LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function to accomplish this as shown below:

LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL("ContactName", FROM("Customers"), KV("CustomerID", CustomerID))

In this example, the LOOKUPBINCREMENTAL function is used to retrieve the ContactName from the Customers data source based on a CustomerID value. The FROM function is used to specify the data source to retrieve the data from. The function caches the result of each lookup so that the same value is not looked up multiple times, which can improve performance when dealing with large data sets.