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The OBFUSCATE function is used to obscure a string while retaining some formatting.

The OBFUSCATE function can be useful when dealing with sensitive information that needs to be displayed in a report or on a user interface. By obscuring the information, you can protect the data while still providing some useful information to the user.

Note that the OBFUSCATE function is not a secure way to protect sensitive information. If you need to store or transmit sensitive information, it is important to use strong encryption and security protocols to protect the data.


string OBFUSCATE(string value)



Will return an obscured version of "Simego" e.g. "Ssssss".

Alternatively you can supply a column into the function to obfuscate the value on each row:


If you used this on an email column, where emails had the format then the function you would use is:


Taking the email the value returned would be jjjj.sssss@ssssss.ccc, this shows the original formatting but it is not a secure form of masking.