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The SEARCH function searches for the first position of a specified string within another string. If the specified string is not found, the function returns 0. You can also specify a starting position from which to begin the search.


int SEARCH(string searchText, string value)
int SEARCH(string searchText, string value, int start)


ObjectData TypeDescription
valueStringThe string to look in.
searchTextStringThe string to find.
startIntegerThe position to start from (1 is the first position).


Here's an example of using the SEARCH function to find the position of a substring within a string:

SEARCH("world", "hello world")

This would return 6, because the substring "world" begins at the 6th position in the string "hello world".

You can also specify a starting position for the search. For example, to search for the substring Simego starting from the 8th position in the string "Company: Simego" you would use the following:

SEARCH("Simego","Company: Simego",8 )

This would return "2" as "Simego" starts at the second position after the 8th position in the string.