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Adding Additional Datasources

To add an additional datasource to the connection we recommend using the helper function as this will automatically discover and describe the schema for you.

To add a datasource right click onto the Datasources folder and choose an option to create a datasource.

Add Datasource Options

Selecting Add Datasource from URL will enable you to add from a URL or File in your Filesystem. Please see the documentation at the following links for guidance on how to add a datasource from a URL, or how to add a datasource from a file.

Manually Describe a Datasource

If you want to manually describe a datasource the components needed to connect are:

  • A name
  • The Schema Definition (GetDataSchema)
  • Where the data is coming from (GetDataTable)
  • If there is paging, how should paging should be handled.

To get started right click onto the datasources folder in the tree and select Add Datasource.

Add Datasource

This will load the basic framework into the file to help you get started.

Datasource Framework

You can read more on defining the schema here.