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Service Agents

Service Agents are the workhorses of the Ouvvi platform that execute the tasks defined by your Projects, Steps, and Triggers.

Service Agents can operate across multiple machines and networks as long as they can establish a connection and authenticate with the web application, thus providing a distributed and scalable system for executing tasks. This setup ensures that tasks are not limited by the resources of a single machine and can be executed wherever necessary, leading to increased efficiency and flexibility.

Configuring Service Agents

You can set up Service Agents to run your Projects, Steps, and Triggers in the locations where you need them. This way, you can distribute the execution of tasks according to your requirements and preferences.

Each configured Agent operates as an individual thread in the Agent Service. This means that the more agents you have configured, the more work can be executed in parallel. As a result, the system's overall performance scales with the number of configured Agents, leading to improved task execution times.

Managing Dependencies

Dependencies allow you to control Ouvvi Steps so that they only execute on a specific group of Agents.

For instance, let's consider a Step that needs to access on-premise resources located behind the corporate firewall. In this scenario, you can configure the dependencies so that this particular Step only executes on an Agent that has access to these resources.

By effectively using dependencies, you can ensure that the right tasks are executed by the right Agents, adding another layer of control and customization to your data integration processes.

In conclusion, Service Agents are a key component of the Ouvvi, providing the necessary flexibility and control to efficiently manage your data integration tasks.