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Editing a Service Agent

You might need to edit the configuration details of an agent if the credentials have changed, for example a password being updated.

To do this you first need to uninstall the tenant. Start by opening the deployment manager, right click on the tenant you want to edit and then select UnInstall from the list.


This will remove the IIS Configuration, remove the Ouvvi Service and delete the tenant files. The Ouvvi SQL Database will remain unchanged so you projects etc will not be lost.

UnInstall Tenant

Once this has been uninstalled you can double click onto the tenant to open the configuration window. Here you can make the changes you need to the service user credentials. Click OK once you are done.

Edit Service Details

To apply the changes, install the tenant by right clicking and selecting Install.

Install Tenant

You can then right click onto your tenant again and select Start Service. This will install the Service and redirect you to the Services page.

Changed the Service Account

If you want to change the account used to authenticate the service then you will need to add that user to the Ouvvi User Profiles list with Agent and Admin permissions before starting the service.

To do this open the Settings menu and select User Profiles. Then click onto the Add User button to open the add user popup. Now add the user details and make sure to check the checkboxes for Agent and Admin.

You can now go back to the deployment manager and start the service, this will install the service and redirect you to the service table.

For more details on adding users with the different authentication types available please see the adding user page here.