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Ouvvi Apps API Details

The REST API allows you to work with the data stored in Ouvvi Apps, and supports GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations.

To access the details on using the API, open the app you want to connect to and select API from the sub-menu.

API Button


The base URL to use with the Data Sync Simego Web API connector will look similar to http://localhost:8080/app.

Remember your URL may be different if it is configured to run on a different port or is hosted. The base URL for your site will be shown on the API page under the API section.

Base URL


Authentication with the Ouvvi Apps endpoints is either via Windows Integrated Security (NTLM/Kerberos) or Basic Auth using your windows credentials.


If you use Basic Auth ensure that Ouvvi is hosted on a SSL/TLS connection to keep your credentials secure. It is recommended to create a local Windows APIKey account with minimal permission rather than use your own logon account.

Basic Auth

For Basic Auth take your DOMAIN\Username:Password then base64 encode and add this as a HTTP Authorization Header with the prefix Basic. For example: PC1\OuvviApiUser with a password of password123 becomes PC1\OuvviApiUser:password123.

Http Header

Authorization: Basic UEMxXE91dnZpQXBpVXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZDEyMw==


You will need to ensure that the user account being used to authenticate has an account within the Ouvvi site.

Read operations require an Ouvvi User account with general user permissions. Write operations require an Ouvvi User account with User and Admin permissions.


The documents endpoints allow for downloading App data in various common document formats.



You can control what data is returned via standard query string parameters. If no filters are applied then by default all data is returned.

These queries can be added to the URL by appending them onto the end, you can use multiple queries in your URL to filter the data further.

limitLimits the number of results returnedhttp://localhost:8080/apps/xml/myapp?limit=1000
columnsSpecify which columns to return&columns=Column1,Column2
filterFilter the results logical: "eq", "ne", "gt", "ge", "lt", "le" operators: "and", "or"filter=Column1 eq sent
orderbySort the results ascending&orderby=Column1
orderbySort the results descending&orderby=-Column1
systemInclude the system internal columns&system=true
titleRename the table&title=My+Table+Name


The REST API allows you to work with the data stored in Ouvvi Apps.

List AppsGEThttp://localhost:8080/app/list
App SchemaGEThttp://localhost:8080/app/list/myapp/schema
Get DataGEThttp://localhost:8080/app/list/myapp
Update DataPUT, POST, DELETEhttp://localhost:8080/app/list/myapp

The read API returns data in pages of results, therefore to read all data you will need to page through the results. You can specify the page size using the limit parameter. For example http://localhost:8080/app/list/myapp?limit=5.

To request the next page add the page number to the request. For example: http://localhost:8080/app/list/myapp?limit=5&page=2.