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Ftp Trigger

The Ftp Trigger fires when a file is modified on an FTP server (FTP and FTPS).

FTP Trigger

FTP Server File PathThe full URL file path to your file on your FTP server.
FTP Server uses Passive ModeIf the FTP server uses passive mode then check the checkbox. Used for pass through firewall support
FTP Server uses SSLIf the FTP server uses SSL, then check the checkbox.
FTP server accept SSL certificateIf the FTP server accepts SSL certificates then check the checkbox. Forces Ouvvi to accept the SSL certificate even if it fails validation, this is for self signed certificates.
Username (optional)The username required to connect to the server, if different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
Password (optional)The password required to connect to the server, if different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
TimeoutThe time to wait for a response from the FTP Server before it times out (HH:MM:SS).
Time between Trigger CaptureThe wait time between changes to prevent double triggering when the file is touched multiple times (HH:MM:SS).