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OData Trigger

The OData Trigger calls an OData V1/V2 service and fires when the returned value increases. It enables you to trigger projects based on a change from an OData Source. The returned OData data set should include a single column and single result of type Edm.DateTime or Edm.String that contains the Date and Time of the last item change.

To add a new OData Trigger select the OData Trigger from the List of Triggers. Then enter in the parameters described in the table below to connect to the OData Service.

The screen capture below shows an example of how you could configure the trigger based on a change to the Account Entity in Dynamics On-Premise.

OData Trigger

Notice the OData Service Command here, where we order the results descending by the ModifiedOn column and return the first row and only the ModifiedOn column: $select=ModifiedOn&$top=1&$orderby=ModifiedOn%20desc

OData Server UrlThe URL to the OData Server.
OData EntityThe OData entity to connect to.
OData FieldThe OData field to connect to.
OData Service CommandThe OData service command to run e.g. $select=ModifiedOn&$top=1&$orderby=ModifiedOn%20desc.
OData Server VersionThe version number of the OData server.
Http TimeoutThe time it will take for the request to timeout.
Username (optional)The username required to connect to the service, if different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
Password (optional)The password required to connect to the service, if different to the Ouvvi Windows Service Credentials.
Domain (optional)The domain for server authentication.
Time between Trigger CaptureThe time between when the trigger will run, and when the value increases.