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Updating your Ouvvi Tenant

If you download and install a new version of Data Sync then there is usually a matching Ouvvi update available too.

You will be able to tell if your Ouvvi instance is out of date in comparison to your Data Sync as the tenant version number will be different to the version number shown in the bottom left corner of the Deployment Manager window. You can see this in the image below.

Version Number Difference

To upgrade the tenant to the latest version installed, right click onto your instance and select Update from the list. This will stop the Ouvvi Service and then upgrade your tenant files.


The upgrade does not change any configuration it just updates the runtime files and updates the Data Sync version number in the Web and Service Configuration Files.

Update Tenant

The two version numbers will now match.

Updated Tenant

You now need to browse to your Ouvvi site to verify the update was applied successfully and that no more steps are required.

If it was a large update, there may be a schema upgrade to apply. It is usually rare for this to be needed however if it is, Ouvvi will walk you through completing it. The steps are usually, make a backup of your database then click the Schema Upgrade button in the browser.

Once you are certain the upgrade completed successfully you can re-start the Ouvvi Service from the deployment manager.

Start Service