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Grouping Projects

Ouvvi offers the capability to organise each of your projects into user-defined groups. This feature streamlines navigation and management of your system, leading to an enhanced user experience and more efficient operations.

You can decide to group your projects based on different criteria to best suit your organisation's needs, for example:

1- Solution-Based Grouping: You can group projects that form part of the same integration solution. This way, if an integration project is made up of multiple smaller projects, you can neatly bundle them together under the same group. This can simplify navigation and make it easier to manage related projects collectively.

2- Connection Type Grouping: Alternatively, you may choose to group your projects based on their connection type. For instance, you can create separate groups for all your Dynamics projects, Salesforce projects, SharePoint projects, and so on. This organization method can be particularly helpful if you often work with projects related to specific connection types and want a way to quickly access all projects of a similar type.

By enabling and using groups, Ouvvi empowers you to create a project structure that best aligns with your workflow and preferences.

Get started with groups by learning how to create one and add projects to it.