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Run an Ouvvi Project Step

You can use the Run an Ouvvi Project step to start an existing Ouvvi project and wait for it to finish from your Run Tool project.

To run an Ouvvi Project from your Run Tool Project click onto the Add Step button and select Run an Ouvvi Project from the list. Enter in a name for the step and click OK to open the configuration window.

Ouvvi Project Step


TIn the configuration window you need to enter the URL to your Ouvvi site, the project to start and the credentials needed to access Ouvvi. You can optionally pass a context value tot he project if that is required. Once you are done click OK to create the step.

Ouvvi URLThe URL to your Ouvvi site.
Ouvvi Project NameThe name of your Ouvvi Project.
CredentialsEnter in any credentials to access Ouvvi, if the machine is not a user.
ContextSpecify a value to be passed to the Ouvvi project (optional).

Configuration Window

The step will then be added to the bottom of your project, you can move this to where you need it to be, set the run condition and save the project.