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44 docs tagged with "run tool"

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What is the Run Tool.


How to add Steps in the Run Tool.

Best Practice

The best practices to follow when using the Run Tool.

Change Set

How to use project automation to write the compare results of a Data Sync project to an XML file if it is run from the Run Tool.

Command Line

Command LIne options available for running your Run Tool and Data Sync projects.


How to copy Steps in the Run Tool.

Create Text File

How to add and configure the Create a Text File Step in the Run Tool.


How to delete Steps in the Run Tool.

Delete Folder

How to add and configure the Delete Folder Step in the Run Tool.


How to edit Steps in the Run Tool.

Edit Task Scheduler

How to edit the schedule of your Run Tool projects in Windows Task Scheduler.

Execute SQL

How to add and configure the Execute SQL Step in the Run Tool.

External Program

How to add and configure the Run External Program Step in the Run Tool.

File Copy

How to add and configure the Copy File Step in the Run Tool.

File Delete

How to add and configure the Delete File Step in the Run Tool.


How to import an existing Data Sync step into the Run Tool.

Import Cmd Parameter

How to add and configure the Import Command Line Parameter Step in the Run Tool.

Import Env Variable

How to add and configure the Import Environment Variable Step in the Run Tool.

Log Entry

How to add and configure the Log Entry Step in the Run Tool.


How to access the Run Tool logs and figure out what the error is.


How to create a project schedule in Ouvvi to run your Run Tool and Data Sync projects.

Ouvvi Project

How to add and configure the Ouvvi Project Step in the Run Tool.

Powershell Script

How to add and configure the Run External Program Step in the Run Tool to run a Powershell Script in your Run Tool sequence.

Python Script

How to add and configure the Run External Program Step in the Run Tool to run a Python Script in your Run Tool sequence.

Run Condition

How to change the run condition of steps in the Run Tool.

Run Tool

The configuration settings needed for the Run Tool step.


How to run steps in the Run Tool. Including how to run a single step, the whole project and selected steps.

Save Project

How to add and configure the Save Project Step in the Run Tool.


How to schedule a Data Sync project to run unattended.


The options available to schedule your Run Tool projects.

Send an Email

How to add and configure the Send Email Step in the Run Tool.

SMTP Settings

How to add SMTP settings to a Run Tool project to enable sending email steps.

Source Control

How to add your Run Tool project to source control (git).


What are Steps in the Run Tool.

Task Scheduler

How to schedule your Run Tool projects using Windows Task Scheduler.

Time Delay

How to add and configure the Tome Delay Step in the Run Tool.

User Settings

What User Settings are, how to create them and how to use them in your Run Tool projects.

Zip File

How to add and configure the Run External Program Step in the Run Tool to Zip a File using TAR.exe in your Run Tool sequence.