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To configure the Podio connection in Ouvvi open the Connection Library, click on the Add Connection button and then select Podio from the list.

Podio Option

Then enter in a name for the connection, an optional description, and add the Client ID and Client Secret generated from Podio. Once you are done click Authorise to validate and save the connection.

Podio Connection

The browser will redirect to Podio to request permission, click Grant Access to allow the connection, and the connection will appear in the list ready to use.

Grant Access


It is recommended that you generate your own Podio API Keys and enter the Client ID and Client Secret. To get a new Podio API key please see the API Key Generator.

Get Podio Connection Details

We connect to Podio via the Podio OAuth 2.0 protocol, this requires an API Key combination of Client ID and Client Secret.

You can create these from within your Podio account under Account Settings > API Keys. Create a new application and keep note of the Client ID and Client Secret that is generated.

Create Podio API Key


To increase your API limits on your key, please contact Podio Support and mention Simego Data Sync Studio.