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Dynamics Connection

To create a connection to Dynamics 365 you can either use the Simego OAuth Azure App or you will need to create an app to enable the connection via OAuth. For details on creating the App in Azure or in Power Platform please see the Data Sync connection docs.

Simego OAuth

The easiest way to connect to SharePoint is to use the default Simego OAuth. This uses a public Azure app to enable the connection between Ouvvi and SharePoint. You can get started creating the connection in Ouvvi by selecting the Dynamics365 option from the list.

Dynamics Option

Then enter a name for the connection, an optional description, and the Organisation Service SOAP\WCF service endpoint url for your Dynamics site.

Dynamics Connection - Simego OAuth

Once you are done click Authorise, this will redirect you to the Microsoft login page. Log in to your Microsoft account used to connect to Dynamics to enable the connection. Once this is complete it will redirect back to the Ouvvi connection library and the connection to Dynamics will be available in the list.

Dynamics Connection Saved

Custom OAuth

If you are wanting to use the Custom OAuth option then once the app has been created you can create the connection in Ouvvi by selecting the Dynamics365 option from the list.

Dynamics Option

Then start by entering a name for the connection, an optional description, and the Organisation Service SOAP\WCF service endpoint url for your Dynamics site.

You will then need to change the Authentication Type to Custom OAuth Application, and complete the OAuth 2 Configuration fields with the required information.

The Authorise URL and Token URL can be found by navigating to your app in Azure and clicking the endpoints button. You need to copy the V2 endpoints for each, as shown in the screen capture here:


The Client ID can be found on the App overview page in Azure, and you should have made a copy of the Client Secret when you generated it.

The scope should be set to $Url$/.default offline_access.


If you added permissions that required admin approval and you are not an admin user, you may receive an error stating admin approval is needed when trying to authorise the connection. To get around this remove the value found in the Prompt field and leave it blank.

Ouvvi Connection Details

To finish select the delete operation behaviour and click Authorise. This will redirect you to the Microsoft login page. Log in to your Microsoft account used to connect to SharePoint to enable the connection. Once this is complete it will redirect back to the Ouvvi connection library and the connection to SharePoint will be available in the list.