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Azure File Upload

Upload file(s) to Azure blob storage.

To create the step select Azure File Upload from the list, then enter in a name for the step before moving onto the configuration.

If you have saved the connection to Azure Blob Storage to the connection library then you can simply select the connection from the drop down list. Otherwise you will need to enter in the required connection details such as the Azure Account Name, Access Key, Container Name, and then the file to download and the location to download it to.

Azure File Upload

You can find a description about each parameter in the table below:

Connection LibraryThe name of the connection in the connection library. If this is selected then you do not need to complete the other fields.
Azure Account NameThe name of the Azure account.
Azure Account Access KeyThe Azure access key required to access the Azure account.
Azure Container NameThe name of the Azure container.
From FilenameThe file path to the file to upload to Azure.
To FilenameThe name of the location in Azure where the file will be uploaded.
Include sub foldersCheck the checkbox to include subfolders in the upload.
OverwriteCheck the checkbox to overwrite files of the same name in the Azure location.
Check File ExistsCheck the checkbox to check if the file already exists in Azure.