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External Program

Starts an external program from Ouvvi.

To create this step select External Program from the list and start by entering a name for the step. Then enter in the parameters required to execute the program you want to run. There are a few examples below such as using WinSCP, GIT, or running visual basic scripts to help guide you.

External Program

Working DirectoryThe path to the directory where the program is stored.
ProgramThe name of the external program file.
ArgumentsThe arguments to apply.
TimeoutThe time it will take for the request to timeout.

Run Scripts

You can run scripts, such as Visual Basic, in the external program step by calling the cscript.exe.

Ouvvi will also capture the script output to the log.

You need to set the Program parameter to cscript.exe and the Arguments parameter to the path to your script. e.g. C:\Temp\Test.vbs

Run VB Script

Git Pull

You can use the external program step to pull the latest changes from a Git repo by calling the git.exe program.

You need to set the working directory to be the path to your local repository, the program parameter to git, and the arguments should be pull.

GIT Pull Step

You can push changes to a repository by changing the argument to push.

WinSCP to connect to SFTP

For SFTP File Downloads and Uploads in Ouvvi you can either use a Data Sync project with the WinSCP connector or you need to use WinSCP in the external program step.

In the external program step set the program to be the path to the winscp.exe and then enter your command into the arguments field.

You can save the path to the program as a user setting and call the user setting in the program field e.g. {{WinSCPPath}}.

An example for uploading a file to a folder in the FTP Server is:

WinSCP Upload

Make sure to enter in the root path to your file into the working directory otherwise you may get an error stating file is not found.


If you have issues where your files don't seem to be synchronising you should take a look at your WinSCP logs. These will tell you what is causing the error when you try to run it from Ouvvi.

Alternatively it could be a permissions issue relating to writing the WinSCP log files, where the Ouvvi service account doesn't have permission to write to the log. For this you either need to enable permissions or set an execution context with credentials that have permission to write.