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Ouvvi Project Status Report

To get an email report of when a project has completed you can add an Ouvvi Project Status Report step to the project.

You will need to have added an email address in the administrator field under Settings and configured the SMTP setting for this step to work.

System Settings Configuration


You will need to first enter in a name for the step and then decide on the Run Condition for the step.

You then need to enter the email addresses for To, Cc and Bcc as needed and enter in a subject line. By default the subject will be the project name followed by Status Report.

Run Conditions

If you wish to receive the report for all status' set the run condition to Any .

If you only wish to receive the report when the project has been successful set the run condition to Success, which will ensure the step runs when the previous steps have been successful.

Or, set the run condition to SuccessWithDataChanges to receive the report when the project has run successfully and has data changes.

If you only wish to receive the report when the project has failed then set the run condition to Failure.

Status Email Configuration


Below are examples of the email reports that will be sent:


Success Email


Failure Email