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IIS Application Install

Installs a Web Application to IIS. For example we use this step in combination with others to download the code from Amazon S3, extract it, copy it to the web location and start the website to deploy our documentation site. This step can be used to deploy .net or .net core apps

To use this step select IIS Application Install from the list and start by entering a name for the step. Then enter in the parameters needed to deploy your web app to IIS. You can find brief descriptions for each parameter in the table below.

IIS App Install

IIS Application NameThe name of the Application
Copy Files FromThe path to copy any files fro
Copy Web.Config FromThe path to the Web.Config file
Physical PathThe physical path to the app
Web App Path??
Anonymous AuthenticationShould anonymous authentication be enabled or disabled
Windows AuthenticationShould windows authentication be enabled or disabled
AppPool NameThe name of the App Pool
AppPool IdentityThe App Pool Identity
AppPool Identity UsernameThe username of the App Pool Identity
AppPool Identity PasswordThe password of the App Pool Identity
AppPool Managed Runtime VersionThe Runtime version that should be used
Load User ProfileShould the user profile loading be enabled or disabled
Enable 32Bit App OnWin64Should the 32 bit runtime be enabled on windows 64
DecryptionUsed for when you have a web file. Choose between Auto, AES and 3DES
Decryption KeyThe key needed to decrypt the file
ValidationChoose between AES, SHA1, MD5, TripleDES, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384, HMACSHA512
Validation KeyThe key needed to validate the files
HTTP BindingsEnter the IP address, TCP Port and Headers for any HTTP bindings needed
HTTPs BindingsEnter the IP address, TCP Port and Headers for any HTTPs bindings needed
Connection StringsEnter any connection strings needed including the provider to use
App SettingsEnter any app setting names and corresponding values as needed